Two similar bodies are trying to connect with each other. With the magnetic space around them, they are attracted by the opposite repulsion—the feeling of repugnance toward something with a desire to be pulled toward it. The relationship between them is continually evolving. Listen, follow and acknowledge when to lead and hold back to gain trust. Moved by the ongoing soft energy in the space, and even when it stops, it continues within the space around the audience. Here, the force resists relatively to the motion between two bodies in contact. Can you see them separately? The first one depends on the other, however, the second one always keeps going. With whom do you empathize? In the end, they meet at the point of their similarity.
Choreography, Performance: Beáta Rekemová, Bente Bulens
Music: YearsAstray (Roc Gomez)
Photo by: Ozan Tezvaran, Umut Kumbak, Tine Declerc
Supported by: The duet was created at PERA University –
School of Performing Arts – GAU.