NIE Theatre
20. 2. / 20.00 / ARCHA+
Czech / 75 min.
A performance about the time we live in, our lives, our biggest dreams, and our deepest fears.
In the spring of 2024, twenty-two young people met with NIE at ARCHA+ to capture the pulse of Time and the society they lived in. Our dreams give us meaning and an inner fire, driving us forward and inspiring us to strive for something beyond ourselves. However, intertwined with our dreams are our deepest fears – fear of failure, rejection, and loss. Fear of the future. Each of us faces many uncertainties, but together we can overcome and embrace them. The first step is sharing and jointly opening up difficult topics.
During rehearsals, we managed to connect with each other, and discovered that sometimes it takes little – tossing a tennis ball, running from one end of the room to the other, sitting, walking, standing together. We often face the decision of whether we can voice the things that lie dormant within us or whether we should keep them to ourselves. But time spent together with people willing to listen can help us make that decision. When someone divides us into one and one and one person, it is still possible to create a space where we can be together.
Creative team
Artistic Team: Divadlo NIE & Katja Ebbel, Václav Kalivoda, Barbora Látalová, Anna Moberg, Iva Moberg, Kjell Moberg & Amelie Siba
Production: Iva Moberg
Producer: ARCHA+
Direction and Concept: Kjell Moberg
Movement Collaboration: Barbora Látalová
Music Collaboration: Anna Moberg, Václav Kalivoda, Amelie Siba
Song called “Mami, tati”: Slávek Pham
Song called “A tak se spoléhám”: Vincent
Light Design: Filip Horn
Scenography: Katja Ebbel
Collaboration on the production of the set design: Katja Ebbel, Alexander Moberg, Alfred Grorud Soma, Linnea Grorud Soma
Performers: Josef Arnot Lucie Djakoualnová Simona Horičková Michaela Hřebejková Kateřina Kadlecová Václav Kalivoda David Mirský Anna Moberg Alena Novotná Tomáš Sedláček Aneta Skalická Ida Raiterová Matyáš Pavlík Slávek Pham Karolína Peterková Mojmír Pěnička Josefina Rajnišová Kateryna Savluk Julie Scholzová František Souček Matilda Šilpochová Viktorie Trávníčková Lukáš Vejšický
Photo by: Vojtěch Brtnický
Supported by
The project is financially supported by the Prague City Council, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Prague 1, State Fund of Culture Czech Republic, IDU, Perform Czech, EU – Next Generation EU.