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Meet a Fox

Vendula Tomšů

22. 2. / 15.00 a 18.00 / Klub Letka

Czech (15.00) and English (18.00) / 35 min.

To create small postcards featuring the places I walk through. To frame a piece of the landscape and store it in my memory. To find souvenirs from my travels in the grass. To have pockets full of them. To record journeys, collect sounds, preserve memories. To tell stories.

The intermedia performance by Vendula Tomšů and Johana Pocková combines storytelling, dance and object theatre. It is an intimate performance for 20 spectators.

Creative team

Vendula Tomšů, Johana Pocková, Dominika Špalková, Martin Tvrdý, Markéta Holá

Photo by: Radek Herold

Nová síť, European Festivals Fund for Emerging Artists