weak women
Eva Priečková, Zuzana Žabková
28. 2. / 16.00 / Studio ALTA
No language barrier / 55 min.
In the dance performance Weak Women we emancipate weakness, fatigue, pain and exhaustion. We try to look at these conditions as resources that help us shape the work. To embody our idea of the contemporary woman who tries not to pretend and to soothe the situation. On the contrary, she seeks excitement in moments of suffering and exhaustion.
Two female fossils holding on until the last moment. The moment before exhaustion equals the moment before ecstasy. We’ve been grinding away since 11:00. In a state of constant exhaustion, we drop to our knees and bend our limbs into different shapes. Towards our female ancestors, towards the gestures, tics and jitters we have stored in our memories from our grandmothers and from photos of SNP (Slovak National Uprising) women.
Petrified and stiff bodies participate in the dance marathon of the precarized profession of the “independent” female artist in Slovakia. We can dance for decent working conditions, for the right to rest, for the engagement of arts organisations in global issues. We are broken and wounded, and yet dreamily we never stop looking for playfulness, sensuality and pleasure.
Creative team
Concept and Performers: Eva Priečková, Zuzana Žabková
Music: Antonia Beeskow
Light Design: Bohdana Sýkorová
Costumes and Scenography: Nik Timková, Vojtěch Hlaváček
Production: Klaudia Klembarová – co.labs Brno
Photo by: Karel Kunc
Supported by
Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, Brno City Municipality