23. 2. / 20.00 / Eliadova knihovna (Divadlo Na zábradlí)
Czech (ENG subtit) / 70 min.
In your hands.
Wonderland is an original production that reflects the reality of Internet age and the phenomenon of experiencing the present through “connectedness” and intensive use of smartphones. A certain kind of friendship and dependence. As the only performer on stage, Sára Arnstein playfully zooms in at herself from different angles through physical movement, text, and work with empty space. As a person who in today’s society often finds herself entangled in a vicious loop of impulses and stimuli that pulsate in a regular rhythm between us and the devices we carry with us day and night. This reality then easily becomes a habit to which a person resorts, out of necessity, out of practicality, out of desire, out of fun, out of need, out of boredom, out of inertia, unknowingly.
What did I really want? What do I need? Can it be traced or figured out? In today’s fast-paced life, how much effort do we have to make to consciously stop for a moment and devote ourselves to ________ (fill in as you wish)? Wonderland as a setting, a state of mind.
Creative team
Concept, Performer: Sára Arnstein
Dramaturgy: Lucia Kašiarová
Assistant Director a Dramaturgy: Ana Nežmah
Scenography: Eszter Koncz
Light Design, Technics: Matouš Ondra
Production and PR: Ufftenživot, Tereza Tomášová a Karolína Pepelanov
Poster and Video Graphic Design: Eszter Koncz and Jiří Šimek
Photo by: Dita Havránková
Supported by
The project is a co-production between Ufftenživot, Studio ALTA, Centre of Independent Culture Záhrada – Banská Bystrica, Eliad’s Library of Divadlo Na zábradlí.
The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Capital City of Prague.
The project was supported by the Centre for Choreographic Development SE.S.TA and REZI.dance Komařice.