Non-visible Discussions
20. - 28. 2. / anytime / anywhere
No language barrier

Let the discussion take over before it disappears
Suspicion arises in the in-between spaces, suspicion keeps reality vibrant, suspicion allows you to dwell for a while with questions and wait to see what emerges through them. Take a card after the show and let it guide you. Where does the discussion take you now? Confide in someone close to you, have fun with a colleague, make a bookmark of the card. Don’t feel like it, never mind, put it away for tomorrow and pull it out after the next performance. Doesn’t it make sense to you what it says? Tear it to pieces or trade it with someone. Write your own card and give it to someone. Open up the discussion in a different way. Provoke suspicion.
You only get the card after selected performances, so be on your toes!
Created by
Karolina Plicková, Anna Prstková, Zuzana Šklíbová and Petr Pola
Performances with Non-visible Discussions:
I’ll Make a Hole So I Can Poke Out of It
Kytice, My Homeland
Essay On Light
Scapes of Landscape
Empty Places
Captain’s First Strike
Fairy Tales
Lesson with Jane
The Nest
weak women